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Career Services


Professional CV writing

Full preparation of an individualised CV tailored to showcase your skills, strengths and experience to market you as the candidate of choice. We work alongside you to create a CV that best suits the roles you are applying for to ensure you are making an excellent first impression when hitting ‘apply’.


Applying for a mixture of positions? We can create an excellent general use CV to use across a variety of work types.


Typing on a Laptop

CV refresh

Send us your CV for a fast appraisal. We provide feedback on your current CV from a recruiters perspective and advise you on what steps you should take to optimize this. Should you choose, you can upgrade your service to one of our other CV packages.


We will implement these recommended changes for you to create a sharp document ready to hit the labour market.


Cover letter pop in

Writers block? We can work with you to produce the cover letter that best fits your situation including;


  • Cover letter templates and education on writing-tips and tricks

  • Tailored base cover letter for those who are applying for multiple roles similar in nature

  • Professional cover letter tailed to a specific advertised role

  • Speculative cover letter, suitable for those wanting to make themselves known to a company with their CV so they can be considered should something suitable become available

Portrait at Work

Job search education and coaching programme (PEP)

CV, cover letter,interview and job search education and support. This package suits school leavers, those who have been out of the workforce for some time or those seeking support as they look to change roles and seek new opportunities.

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Linkedin session

Confidently launch yourself into the world of Linkedin with a profile writing and education session. We will work with you to put together a tailored profile that has been optimised to best suit your needs.


A strong and complete profile ensures you are coming up in searches made by recruiters and potential employers.


If you have a current Linkedin page and need some education around use and optimisation we can help you with this too!


For ACC and private insurers

We provide IOA and VIOA’s (standard and complex) for ACC and private insurers – please get in touch to arrange with one of our experienced practitioners. These can be provided face to face or

via telehealth.

Work in the park

Outplacement/redundancy support

For employers wanting to provide their employee support upon redundancy or individuals seeking guidance as they navigate a job market they did not expect to find themselves in. This package is

tailored to your needs and can include the following;


  • CV writing

  • Cover letter writing and templates

  • Interview skills training

  • Job search support and coaching

  • Linkedin Profile set up and optimisation

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