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Skill development for career progression

Developing skills for career progression is crucial in today's labour market. Training courses are usually the first thing we think of when it comes to this topic, hand in hand with that often comes a price tag that many of us can’t accommodate in a time where capsicums are almost $5! You may be lucky enough to have an employer who invests in continual education for their employees which can come in the form of regular professional development however this is not always the case. It can be easy to feel stuck where you are and difficult to see a way forward in terms of building skills to move into another job and progress your career but when there is a will there is a way!! Here are some suggestions to consider if you are keen to advance your skills but not sure where to start.

· Cross training- seek opportunities to gain experience in different departments or roles. This can be an excellent idea if you have a lull in your work. Show your employer initiative by suggesting you spend some time helping out in busier areas to gain skills. Could you shadow someone in a different position or help ease their workload and learn from them in the process? Cross-training can broaden your skillset and make you a more valuable staff member.

· Set up an informational interview- If you know where you want to be but are unsure of how to get there, consider seeking out an informational interview with said employer or company. The purpose is to learn more about the career, industry or organisation. This will allow you to gain specific insights, advice and guidance from an expert or experienced professional in the field. Linkedin can be a great way to set this up it doesn’t matter where they are in the country either- these can be done via Zoom. People are often more open to providing these than you would think so don’t be shy

· Volunteer: Volunteering for special projects or committees within your organization or externally can provide opportunities to learn new skills transferable into that next role you are after. Check out websites such as where voluntary opportunities are listed and get out there. Don’t forget to list voluntary work on your CV

· Make the most of free courses- Canterbury Library has Linkedin learning course available via their website for free….Free! You just need to have a library card and account to access this.

· Seek advice-Speak to your manager about what skills they think you could develop to progress within the company. Upfront conversation shows motivation. This may lead to opportunities if you have voiced to them that you are wanting to gain new skills and progress they may nothave been aware of this. Are there any opportunities at present?

It is recommended you regularly update your CV or keep a document detailing projects and training you have completed. When the time comes to produce a CV it can be easy to forget some of the great things you have done that you will want to showcase to a potential employer.

Kelsey is a passionate Career Consultant working for Enable Works. Kelsey has full CDANZ membership and has excellent experience working alongside a wide range of people at all stages of their careers. Kelsey is skilled in providing pre-employment preparation, interview skills coaching, CV preparation and job search support.

Kelsey can be reached on 022 369 6072 or

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